Tomoya Ohtani


Tomoya Ohtani on Twitter:

The novelty coaster and sticker are these. ✨ I wonder if they came because I just played it on app.

Tomoya Ohtani on Twitter:

Besides, at my own discretion, I had selected others like Spagonia - Day, the BGM of Spagonia town, and The World Adventure - Piano Version, the piano arrangement of the orchestra theme. 😊✨ They are soundtracks with extensive musicality, but I never thought I can use them even in the cafe……. (Smiles)

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Tomoya Ohtani on Twitter:

On the occasion of selecting Sonic 25th Anniversary Cafe’s in-store BGM, it came to my mind from Sonic Unleashed’s soundtrack foremost, but it was Apotos - Day, the BGM of Apotos town, which is also used in the scene where Sonic and Chip eat something “at the special chocolate vendor.” 😊