Jun Senoue


Jun Senoue on Sonic the Hedgehog CD Original Soundtrack:

Basically, I think that “the games and their music” around the world mean to be impressive forming a pair. Some titles with the word “However…” continuing exist in the long history of Sonic and the one among those is this Sonic CD. There are compositions used in Japan/Europe versions and the ones replaced in US’s, and the music linked with the unforgettable titles of the fans of each market varies. As you would understand from the aforementioned comments of Cash Cash’s Alex as well, to the American fans, the theme song of Sonic CD is Sonic Boom.

In June of 2011, the time when we celebrated the 20th anniversary of Sonic’s birth, during the session of the big game convention E3 in Los Angeles located in the West Coast of the United States, it had been arranged that Sonic’s birthday event was held under the organization of SEGA of America, inc. I received the request of stage appearance in the musical performance, but I had had my first try at an opportunity to perform in an event where Sonic fans gathered within America, I made a proposal about my needs of deciding the stage that included not only myself, but also some other people, and it turned out that Johnny Gioeli and Alex Makhlouf would participate as well in the end. One day, I knew that the event would be labeled as Sonic Boom and I suddenly thought about it. Well, it was around three seconds, though. I thought, If the name of the Sonic event held in America is Sonic Boom, I can’t help but perform the song! It was the period of being busy at Sonic Generations just then, but for the time being, I made a basic demo, let Johnny sing, and left the replacement of the synthesizer phrase and the recording of vocoder voice to Alex. To begin with, Johnny did not know Alex and introducing them to each other was what I did at the event venue on that day, so it means that they proceeded apart without knowing what each other was doing. I also gathered my friends and did the recording then, and I wonder if it was about 4–5 days until we combined it with the material gotten from overseas. We just barely resolved and prepared that much. Until the day we left for the actual scene, it was to the extent that we did the editing of the clips that we would use, so all were really walking a tightrope, but the things in which we prepare the surprises are always enjoyable. Thanks to the people who are associating with me on that, really.

For this reason, the version produced just for the event became the talk here and there, and also having received a lot of voices wanting me to release it, I decided to include it as a bonus track in this work. I heard that Stardust Speedway of US version is the music that Alex especially liked. We had also produced the remix here, so I hope you could enjoy them together.

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