What I’m Made of… …Song for the Final Battle


Jun Senoue on Sonic Heroes Vocal Trax:

What I’m Made of… …Song for the Final Battle

Inside me, this is the main theme behind the scenes of Sonic Heroes. ’Cause the last boss battle can’t be done with the main theme of this time as background indeed. A song that equals Open Your Heart and Live & Learn. I made it so much that I’d ask how many times I’ve remade it by the time it becomes this form. The song is almost the same since the beginning, but it’s because it was a lot different in the patterns of tempo and drums. This time, I didn’t make the demo using the sequencer and would be a little fed up with the work from scratch again if I changed the tempo. Japan’s TV character Domo was at the drums’ notation part for some reason, but it’s something not very suitable, so it was laughable. The person who suggested, “Let’s make the end of the song like this,” is Johnny. One day, when I reached to visit Johnny by plane, he let me listen to it inside the car that picked me up. I accepted it by saying, “I seeee.” The guitar solo of this song has two pieces on both sides in the emphasis of power. Something not too sensitive is alright too, isn’t it? Personally, this is my most favorite song inside Sonic Heroes. Am I leaking it out?
