SEGA CS Sound Team


SEGA CS Sound Team on Sonic Adventure Vocal Mini-Album:

The second related CD is the mini album featuring the vocal songs used in Sonic Adventure! It has been released before the game, so there’re also supposed to be many people who have made the images expand with this CD until the game is released!?

We think that it is full of live goodness in these songs in which we have integrated various tastes while making rock as the backbone. When we try to line up TNT’s Tony Harnell, ex-Hardline’s Johnny Gioeli, ex-Danger Danger–Bone Machine’s Ted Poley, the current Loudness’s rhythm section, the famous session bassist Will Lee, Ricky Wellman who was a drummer of Miles Davis band, etc, they might be the prominent members…. We received high reviews in the music aspect from various directions. We really appreciate it.

By the way, the title “Songs with Attitude” is something inspired from “Dude with a ’Tude” used in Sonic’s catchphrase abroad before. Take not only the Chao but also the music CD outside, OK!!?
